
Welcome to the Notre Dame Learning and Teaching Portfolio. It is my pleasure to lead the Portfolio working with the Faculties to provide a strategic and integrated approach to our academic endeavors through our Student Experience, Curriculum and Quality, Innovation and Design and Strategic Academic Development teams.

The University Strategic Plan places a strong emphasis on educating for the common good. The plan commits us to making a positive difference by forming our students as whole persons with the capability to make valuable contributions in the workforce and as good citizens, exercising sound ethical judgment and harnessing the commitment, courage and confidence to serve. This approach to education, is not simply about the transmission of knowledge or development of professional skills, but rather the formation of the human person; it is foundational to what we do at Notre Dame. Realising this vision in our changing contemporary context demands that we pay attention to how it is shaping higher education, our teaching and learning practices and the needs of the people, communities and societies that we serve.

Signaling an aspiration to expand our impact, the Strategic Plan positions the University to contribute to widening participation by increasing access to university education to students from under-represented cohorts.

To achieve this aspiration, our focus is on continuous renewal of our academic offering to ensure it meets future workforce and societal needs. Grounded in a commitment to integral human development, universality and the integration of knowledge and practice, excellence in learning and teaching are foundational to what we do at Notre Dame. Our academic staff are critical team members in supporting a holistic student experience, and they are consistently renewing learning approaches to engage students as active partners in the process of learning and inquiry. At the heart of our success is our unique approach to learning and leverages the tradition of liberal arts education to ensure that our graduates have the critical and creative thinking, collaborative skills and a commitment to the common good in making contributions in their workplace and to the betterment of society.